Points to be noted

Sync happens as follows:

a. When an order is placed in Shopify and is paid, shopify notifies the middleware (https://prnt.jasonl.com.au/admin) through webhook.
b. The order is then placed in queue to be sent to Pronto which runs every 5 minutes and pushes pending orders at once.
c. All order sync are at https://prnt.jasonl.com.au/pages/orderList and on clicking each of the orders, we can see the detailed request through API and API responses.
d. When there is any issue with the sync, an email is sent to Jasonl Dev team and few key memebers at Jasonl. The issues are solved at Pronto and Shopify so that they don’t recurr. Also sales order are corrected in Pronto if need be.
e. If order is not synced at all, we have to initiate manual push. Manual push can be done from https://prnt.jasonl.com.au/getapi/manual/getorder . We have to use order id (not order number). Order id can be received from url like for this order https://jasonl4.myshopify.com/admin/orders/3804240216145 order id is 3804240216145

Points to be noted:
a. For shipping , line item code S068 is used.
b. For assembly, line item code … is used.
c. For pickup, line item code S070 is used.
d. For discount, line item code S074 is used. 10059
c. In shopify backend, is a shipping is titled as “Standard 5 to 7 Business Day Delivery $1050 + Assembly $1199” and the cost is “”, the shipping and assembly is split as $1199 for assembly and remaing $1050 for shipping. This is done by parsing shipping title.