Pronto integration

When a quote is created inside Pronto a deal will automatically be either updated or created in Pipedrive with the exact email address.

This process is depicted by the aqua colour in the diagram.


The email address in Pipedrive and the email address in Pronto MUST be the same in order to match. Otherwise there will be duplicate leads that will need to be merged ONLY on the email address within Pronto (otherwise if an email is changed from a card generated by the Pronto process, another card with the former email will be generated again).

If a quote in Pronto is updated, the updated price will also be updated in Pipedrive.

If an order has multiple parts to it e.g. 123.A and 123.B in Pronto, the Pipedrive orders will be created as having the email address [email protected] | A and [email protected] | B – note the [email protected] email will be replaced by the email of the client with a vertical slash, then by the suffix of the order.


Pipedrive should be your source of truth. So if you win or lose something, please do it in Pipedrive. However, if you do win or lose a quote in Pronto we will provide a sync back to Pipedrive to win or lose that deal respectively too.