Getting set up

When you start at JasonL, you will need to have the following done by your manager:

  1. Your manager will need to fill this in – from this form you will be provisioned a/an:
    • Email signature
    • You will be added to the right email distribution lists
    • A cartoon avatar
    • A pronto user id
    • A pipedrive invite
    • You will be added in JasonL middleware (which will decide which leads you get)
  2. Make sure you sync your email and calendar connection to Pipedrive. Here is an article to show you how to do this . This will make sure you can email your customers directly from Pipedrive.

    While we are on this point, bookmark – this should be your first point of call for any technical issues relating to pipedrive.

  3. Make sure you sync your calendar connection. Here is an article on how to do this – this will ensure that to-do’s and meetings set from Pipedrive also live in your Google Calendar.

  4. Add your email signature into pipedrive – this will be automatically inserted when you send emails from Pipedrive

  5. Download the Pipedrive app from the app store. Using the app you will be able to keep in touch with your leads from your phone.