Stages in Pipedrive

1.  HOT LEADS:  Only deals with Pronto quotes should be showing as a deal in Hot Leads – inc comms with customer & updated Activities. 

2. WARM LEADS:  Leads that have expressed a strong interest and are are likely to require a quote. Warm leads have several emails within them as well as several complete tasks.

3. NURTURE:  Any longer term tenders / quotes / relationship nurturing should be showing in Long Term. This is particularly useful when a customer expresses that he/she will be in a position to make a decision at a later point in time. Nurture leads need planned activities.

4. COLD LEADS: Are the source of any and all new leads. You will have leads automatically inserted into the COLD column and you need to deal with these leads daily. Rotting leads are rotting opportunities and the longer you leave them, the colder they will get.

5. BLOCKED:  If you can’t get through to a Cold Lead after 3 attempts, move the lead into this column. You need to plan contact with this blocked leads in times / days when you have not already tried them and possibly try and call the general office number.

6. RE-ENGAGE: Leads will automatically appear here several months after your previous leads are won / lost. These leads reference the original leads which you can click on to see the original context.

NOTE: leads are not to be moved into the re-engaged column, only moved out of it.

When to lose a lead?

Any uncontactable leads + lost quotes need to be marked as LOST if you haven’t heard back from them after 3 x phone calls & 3 x emails per enquiry


Exclamation mark (yellow) = no activities have been planned – should not ever be the case with open alive leads

Grey mark = future planned activities – this is good to see 

Green mark = activities that need to be done today

Red mark = overdue activities


This is when the entire card goes red not just the circle in the bottom right. This means the card has been inactive for an unacceptable period of time. As at 20/05/2019 the rules for cards going red are:

Re-engage = rot in 3 days of inactivity

Cold = rot in 5 days of inactivity

Blocked = rot in 5 days of inactivity

Nurture = rot in 30 days of inactivity

Warm = rot in 5 days of inactivity

Hot = rot in 3 days of inactivity